The trusted training resource for pharmacy technicians at all levels.The role of pharmacy technicians is rapidly expanding, and demand for well-trained technicians has never been higher! Technicians are assuming more responsibilities and are taking on greater leadership roles. Quality training material is increasingly important for new technicians entering the field, and current technicians looking to advance.
Whether you are studying for one of the national pharmacy technician certification exams for the first time or need practice for recertification, the new Pharmacy Technician Certification Review and Practice Exam is your reliable resource for exam prep.
This book on leadership was written to provide students and new practitioners with a useful resource as they begin their careers.
Learning and increasing knowledge in human anatomy and physiology has been a perennial need of undergraduate students of pharmacy, nursing, physiotherapy and other paramedical sciences. Though there are several books on this subject, the authors have made an appreciable attempt to write the book, Human Anatomy and Physiology to meet their ever-growing requirement in this faculty. The book, which has been presented in a simple, interesting and self-explanatory manner, has 17 chapters, each of them focusing and elucidating the points of studies in a way as demanded by those who want to increase their knowledge in the subject.
Designed as a complete human resource competence assessment program, this benchmark resource ensures pharmacy compliance with the competence assessment standards of The Joint CommissionTM, other accrediting organizations, and the CMS Conditions of Participation.
Written by 35 leading pharmacists, these very personal letters offer sound advice and insight for seizing or creating opportunities, balancing career and family, avoiding mistakes, and overcoming setbacks.
STAT!Ref online medical library includes full-text versions of many useful pharmacy texts, including:
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