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Creating 3D Objects using Photogrammetry: Step 2: Processing into Meshroom

Use pictures from your phone to turn real world objects into 3D Models that you can manipulate in programs like Blender.

Importing Photos into Meshroom

Screenshot showing how to import images into Meshroom

To import your photos into Meshroom, just drag them into the Images pane. Once the images are imported, you can click the Start button to begin processing.

Even with a small number of images, processing can take several hours to process.

Viewing the Model

Screenshot of loading a texture in Meshroom

Once the images are processed. you can load the model by clicking StructureFromMotion and then Load Model.

If you notice an area that didn't come out well, you can import more pictures to add detail.

The obj file for the model is stored in MeshroomCache/Texturing/[folder name]/texturedMesh.obj. The MeshroomCache folder is usually located where you saved your project file.

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