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Faculty Guide: Library & Learning Center Services

What are Course Reserves?

Course reserves are materials set aside from the rest of the libraries collection in support of college courses.  Materials must be personally owned by the faculty or the college.  You can search to see if an item is on reserves using the search box below, or you can place an item on reserve using the form in the box on the right. 

Course reserves have shorter loan periods so they be accessed by a higher volume of students.  Standard loan periods are:

  • 2 Hours
  • 24 Hours
  • 2 Days
  • 3 Days
  • 1 Week

For a different loan period indicated Other on the form and the library will contact you.  

The professor is responsible for gaining copyright permission when needed.  More info about copyright and course reserved can be found on the right.  

Search Reserves

 Course Name  Course ID  Instructor Name

Reserves Form

Please submit a copy of the Reserves Form with your material. 

Contact Terry Gonzalez  with Questions here:

Course Reserves Copyright Statement

Items are placed on course reserve in accordance with copyright and fair use laws with the following guidelines:

Physical Course Reserves

College-owned, personally owned, and gifted items, as well as materials that reside in the public domain, not including consumables, may be added to the library’s course reserve collection so long as they are in their original format.

Copies/reproductions of materials may be added in compliance with fair use guidelines.

Examination/review items may be added on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the copyright restrictions provided by the publisher. Items that are restricted to classroom use or instructional purposes will only be made available to students currently enrolled in the course for which the item is assigned. Instructors seeking to override copyright restrictions that have been applied to an item must obtain written permission from the publisher/copyright holder.

Digital Course Reserves

Original copies of college-owned items and materials that reside in the public domain, not including consumables, may be digitized and distributed with controlled digital lending protections via the library’s electronic reserve system.

Personally owned, gifted, or copied/reproduced items, including examination/review copies, may not be digitized without written permission from the publisher/copyright holder.