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TMGT 4320: Business and Company Research

This guide was developed to share resources for searching for company information and research for Professor Javier Fadul's TMGT 4320 course and assignments.


Types of Information Available in Databases:

Journal Articles: Peer-reviewed journals are written by academic experts in business topics (MBA's, PhD's) and reviewed by other experts in the field. Might focus on a topic overall, or may be a case study on a particular business.

Examples: Business History, Human Resource Management, Marketing Science

Trade Journal Articles: Trade journals are highly specialized publications written by people working in or academically involved in a particular industry. They often provide in-depth information on trends, new products and other topics of interest to people working in that industry. Some are peer-reviewed, and some are not. 

Examples: Marketing Business Weekly, Houston Business Journal, Research Technology Management

Newspaper Articles: Newspapers are written by journalists and are published frequently. They are not peer-reviewed. They report on current events and have up to date information. 

Examples: The Financial Times, Business InsiderWall Street Journal

Magazine Articles: A published periodical that contains a collections of texts such as essays, articles and stories. They are not generally peer-reviewed, and are written mostly by journalists. 

Examples: Business Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Time